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In general, it takes about 3 months for the state disability agency to make a decision.  Some states may give a decision somewhat later or earlier.  The most important factor is that you gather all your medical records from your various doctors as soon as possible since this is what determines how your medical condition affects your ability to work.  These records include your doctors progress notes, hospital records, dates of any surgery and if your condition shows improvement over time or if your progress has been slow or poor. 

Having an attorney will usually not speed up the process, but he can help you in getting all your medical records and also explain the entire process involved when applying for disability and point out the important information the state agency is looking for which may improve your chances for success.  As an example he can explain what is known as the grid. Basically, this has to do with how your age, level of education and past jobs affects your chances of approval. This ties in how your severe your medical condition is.  After reviewing your medical record, the state will create what is called an RFC which simply put states how many hours a day you can walk, how many pounds you can lift and how well you can use your hands for grasping and performing fine manuevers such as writing and picking up small objects. 

There are certain situations when the process can be speeded up. Examples are if the applicant is in need of dire assistance, indicating inability to get food, or received medical treatment; other situations are one who has served in the armed forces of the country or if the claimant has a terminal illness. Another instance is called a compassionate allowance such as a very serious illness such as spread of cancer.