I am a claims examiner who has reviewed many social security disability cases over the years and am familiar what information is needed to improve one’s chances for receiving benefits.
Vertigo or dizziness can greatly affect your ability to work. Those affected experience a spinning sensation of their surroundings associated with lightheartedness which can lead to poor balance, unsteadiness when walking and even falling. At times, feelings of nausea may be present. Also, one may have a sensation of ringing or buzzing in the ears known as tinnitus as well as some loss of hearing.
In severe cases, your doctor may refer you to another doctor who will perform certain testing procedures in an attempt to determine the cause and severity of your symptoms. These tests involve checking for disturbances in so called vestibular function.
If a test is strongly positive and is associated with a hearing loss proven by formal testing , then there is a strong possibility that you will be granted an allowance for benefits. It is important that your doctor specify in his medical record how often you experience attacks of vertigo, how long they last and to what degree they affect your balance and if any falls have occurred.
He also should report if you show any evidence of improvement with treatment. In addition, disability rules state that your impairment must last at least 12 months or be expected to last that long. As an example, you may have experienced severe dizziness at the start of your treatment, but with therapy your impairment may improved within the 12 month period and not be as severe as it was at the beginning.
In such a cases, you probably will be denied. Also, if the medical evidence from your doctors is very little or insufficient to determine the degree of disability, the state may require you to attend a physical examination called a CE paid for the by state. At that time the CE will check for how you walk, if your gait is unsteady and if a cane is medically needed.
The state will also ask you to provide information about how your illness affects your ability to perform everyday activities such as performing household duties, shopping and caring for personal needs.
It would be helpful if your doctor would write a letter stating how your problem affects your ability to walk on a daily basis and if you have experienced falls, how often they occur and if a cane is medically necessary.