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Melanoma is the most dangerous type of cancer of the skin.  It is most often caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.  Interestingly, melanomas may also affect the eye.  Most of these cancers are black or brown, but  at times may be of different colors. There are cases, however, where melanomas have developed in areas not exposed to the sun such as on the soles of the feet.  Therefore, it is important that a complete examination of all areas of the skin be done.  Other important factors increasing the risk  are a family history of melanoma or skin cancer. Melanomas kill about 10,000 individuals a year. However, if  diagnosed and treated early, the outlook is usually good. 

According to Social Security rules a diagnosis must be in the claimant’s medical record as shown by a biopsy report. In addition, the entire medical record  must be submitted to the state disability office where it will be reviewed by disability specialists.  This should include  all surgical and chemotherapy treatments as well as the treating doctor’s comment regarding the effectiveness of treatment. 

Simply having a diagnosis of melanoma is not enough to be given disability benefits.  The medical record must show that there has been spread(metastases) to lymph nodes or to the adjacent skin or elsewhere. Also, if there has been recurrence of the tumor after a wide excision.  If these criteria are met , benefits will usually be granted.  To increase your chances of getting disability benefits, using the services of a lawyer familiar with disability cases would be helpful.