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Get SSDI for Difficulty Walking Due To Arthritis Of The Knee Plus Torn Ligaments

Pain in the knees can cause great difficulty in performing duties at one’s job due to inability to stand and walk over an 8 hour day. X-rays and MRI studies often show significant arthritis in the knee, torn ligaments or a torn meniscus.


The entire process involved when applying for disability can be quite lengthy and difficult to understand.  For this reason it is best if one would contact an attorney from the start who is familiar with disability law. He will review all your medical records and may ask for additional information from your doctor regarding how long you can stand and walk over a working day and if a cane is medically required.

Doctors at the state level will review all your medical records. They are the ones who determine whether your are approved or denied benefits.

This is a brief general summary of how the application process is done. My Ebook goes into much greater detail and will give you pointers as to how to improve your chances of approval.