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The  Achilles tendon is one of largest and strongest tendons in our body. It connects the heel bone to the muscles in the back of the calf . Its function is extremely important for activites such as walking, stair climbing, jumping and standing on the toes.  When walking,  it assists in raising your heel and pushing up the toes.  Following an injury, practically all motion of the ankle is lost.

At the time of injury,  individuals will feel a pop and note intense pain in the ankle. There may be swelling around the ankle and calf; walking becomes difficult. 

Rupture of the Achilles tendon may be treated by surgery or nonsurgical means. . No matter which course of action is taken,  if you continue to experience difficulties with standing and walking which interfers with your ability to perform your job duties, you should consider applying for social security benefits. Because the application process is rather complex and difficult to understand, you should strongly consider using the services of a good disability attorney.  He will assist you in gathering all your medical records as well as shorten the time for a decision.  If you are denied benefits, which occurs in about two thirds of applications, you will not be charged an attorney fee. If you are denied he will assist you if you decide to put your case before an administrative law judge who will review your case and make a decision. 

Social security will ask you to provide all treatment records from your physician and other sources such as physical therapy. These records will then be reviewed by specialists at the state disability office who will then make a decision as to whether you are allowed or denied benefits. In general, the less hours you are able to walk over a full working day, the better your chances of success.  Their decision is quite exacting; for instance they wish to know precisely can you stand and walk 6 out of 8 hours, 2 out of 8 hours and less than 2 out of 8 hours.  Also, if a cane is determined to be necessary for walking this would help you in gaining benefits.